About us
Global success of a local company

Eko-Vit was established in 2001 in a process of aquiring the AMT company, that was created in 1992. We were one of the firts European companies producing energy drinks in private labels. At the beginning our clients came from Poland, but in the view of Poland joining European Union in short time, we've gained some interest from foreign companies.
After joining the European Union in 2004 we began the ongoing development of our presence on international markets. Thanks to the easier trade conditions facilited by EU and based on Poland growing position as a business partner, we've managed to dynamically grow in Europe, Middle East, Africa and Americas. Aquiring new clients lead to development of new products and new production technologies, new filling lines were built, warehouse space was enlarged.
Our products are currently avilable in more than 60 countires on 6 continents. We've gained trust of small importers as well as big market chains. We are happy to produce beverages for emerging markets and for high developed ones. We are constantly taking part in international food exhibitions, trade missions and conferences. And we still want more!
Keeping an eye on the ever-changing dietary trends, we're creating new products and new recipes that are matched with our Partners' requirements. We do not stop in promoting Poland as a place where nature meets high technology, creating an ideal environment for fantastic international cooperation.